Voice. Purpose. Power.
BUDL is moving in a new direction through its teacher-led initiative. The debate coaches will be taking the reins in decision making and program management to even further personalize the Baltimore debate experience. Our programs will be focused to running debate practices and tournaments for member schools (please find a list of member schools below during the school year)
Members of our leadership council will be available to answer questions you may have if you send them to info@budl.org
Who we are
The Baltimore Urban Debate League (BUDL) uses the art of speech and debate to change lives. BUDL brings learning to life by making it relevant, real, and fun. In competitive debate and in the debate classroom students do more than just memorize and repeat facts, they own and direct their learning, they approach a topic from their own perspective, and by doing so, they find their voice, their purpose, and their power. Students in BUDL develop a thirst for knowledge and become inspired to seek and utilize new information.
What we do
Across Baltimore, hundreds of 3rd through 12th graders gather after school to hone their craft with passionate teacher-coaches and good friends. Each month, we gather to test our skills at competitions, and we take our talents out into the world to make the change we want to see in our community.
“I am grateful for debate because it has broadened my horizons and encouraged me to listen to ideas that I would otherwise be ignorant of. These ideas have shaped who I am today as a debater, student, and individual.”
— Debater, 11th grade

Contact Us
We’re here to help!
(410) 752-2835